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Ford Tailgate Bench

Tailgate benches are fairly popular now as everyone rediscovers the trucks from 1950-1972ish era. There was just so much more style in the simplicity of the design and lettering. Then everyone started doing coke in the last 70s and automotive engineers are still coming out of their bauhaus font phase.

I found a Ford tailgate on Craigslist. Despite my previous statement, this Ford tailgate is from a model from 1980-86. A guy had it rotting in his backyard and sold it to my for $50. Then tried to sell me a bunch of other stuff and told stories for 30 minutes.

I had built a bench previously with a 66 Chevrolet tailgate. But I hated the way it turned out. The seat was too long. The bench was too tall. I stained it a vomity color. So I started over with this one. I think my dimensions worked out better this time.

I should have taken more pictures before getting to this point.

Tools I used for this:

Miter saw

Drill (with 12 inch long bit)

Tape Measure

A lil something called grit.

Below are the measurements. Pardon my scribbles. The width obviously has to cater to the tailgate. Which was 67 inches long. The cedar posts on each side are four inches. So the back board - that secures the tailgate to the bench - is 75 inches.

One key stylistic point I think worked are the carriage bolts. They're stronger than wood screws. And give the bench an automotive feel.

Then I used nuts on the back to secure those boards to the cedar post. Keeps everything very tight.

Finally, I used a Jacobean stain color and then did a few coats of poly to come out with the final product.

Sits very comfortably. One note: I set the tailgate on some molding I found at Home Depot. So the gate can rock a bit.

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